De enige beste strategie die u wilt gebruiken voor Kurdistan

De enige beste strategie die u wilt gebruiken voor Kurdistan

Blog Article

Not sure whether this may be considered graffiti or not but there are some peculiar murals on a few walls across the city.

There kan zijn almost no young population left in the village of Brod and in the Gora region in general. For those who remain, the future means anxiety and uncertainty. Only 850 people live in this village, where approximately 3000 people lived until ten years ago. In the region where education was provided in Turkish until 1938, education began to be provided in Serbian due to the pressure of Serbian soldiers.

Saddam Hoessein laat zichzelf met genoegen opmaken indien een sterke leider en mits liefhebbende papa. In de tijd het deze met een macht kan zijn (1979-2003) doet hij heel wat oorlogsmisdaden. 

Syria's Kurds have long been suppressed and denied basic rights. Some 300,000 have been denied citizenship since the 1960s, and Kurdish land has been confiscated and redistributed to Arabs in an attempt to "Arabize" Kurdish regions.

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In deze onafhankelijkheidsstrijd bestaan de Koerden dit ook niet iedere keer betreffende mekaar weleens, wellicht strijden ze immers verder anti elkaar. Bijvoorbeeld in de jaren zeventig, mits de Iraakse Koerden in opstand aankomen anti hun president Saddam Hoessein, ze oplopen daarin hulp over de Perzische sjah. Een Iraanse Koerden voeren desalniettemin wederom ons worsteling anti die sjah en oplopen daarenboven juist weer steun van Iraakse president Saddam.

In 1962 the Syrian government carried out a census in the Kurdish-dominated Alang-Ḥasakah governorate in the northeast of the country. Those who could not prove that they had lived in Syria since 1945 lost Syrian citizenship, leaving many stateless. Individuals stripped ofwel Syrian citizenship—which numbered about 120,000 people, or 20 percent of the Syrian Kurdish population at the time—were deemed “foreigners” by the government and have since carried special, red identity cards and have had limited rights in the country.

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Attempts were made to sever the ties of the Gorani people with the Turkish-Islamic culture. Islamic schools were closed and religious classes were banned. Today, approximately 150 students are studying in Brod village primary school.

Daar zijn ook Koerden welke streven naar een onafhankelijke staat bijvoorbeeld de Koerdische afscheidingsbeweging PKK en andere afscheidingsbewegingen. Een PKK, die opgericht werden in 1978, voert in Turkije sinds 1984 een gewapende worsteling vanwege Koerdische onafhankelijkheid. Een strijd welke een Koerdische PKK sindsdien heeft afgeleverd, bezit alang vele levens gekost, met allebei de kanten. Tussen 1984 en 1999 stierven voor de gevechten tussen dit Turkse leger en de PKK ruim dertigduizend personen en werden door het Turkse leger verdere vervolgens drieduizend dorpen met de kaart geveegd.

Een herkomst met het Koerdische volk is ook niet zeker overduidelijk. Ze zullen afstammen met verschillende stammen die alang sinds duizenden jaren in de landstreek Koerdistan wonen, een streek daar waar de huidige Koerden wonen.

The principal unit in traditional Kurdish society was the tribe, typically led by a sheikh or an aga, whose rule was firm. Tribal identification and the sheikh’s authority are still felt, though to a lesser degree, in the large urban areas. Detribalization proceeded intermittently as Kurdish culture became urbanized and was nominally assimilated into several nations.

The present state ofwel knowledge about Kurdish allows, at least roughly, drawing the approximate borders of the areas where the main ethnic core ofwel the speakers ofwel the contemporary Kurdish dialects was formed. The most argued hypothesis on the localisation of the ethnic territory of the Kurds remains D.N. Mackenzie's theory, proposed in the early 1960s.[17] Developing the ideas of P. Tedesco[28] and regarding the common phonetic isoglosses shared by Kurdish, Persian, and Baluchi, D.N. Mackenzie concluded that the speakers of these three languages form a unity within Northwestern Iranian.

Ottomans attacked the outer defensive perimeter and defeated Rozhiki soldiers, then they rushed to loot Bidlis and attacked the civilians. Once the Ottoman force established its camp in Bidlis, in an act ofwel revenge, Abdal Khan made a failed attempt to assassinate Melek Ahmad Pasha. A unit of twenty Kurdish soldiers rooie into the tunneltent of Yusuf Kethuda, the second-in-command and Gorani fought a ferocious battle with his guards. After the fall of Bidlis, 3,400 Kurds continued to resist from the city's old citadel. While most of these surrendered and were given amnesty, 300 of them were massacred by Melek Ahmad with 70 of them dismembered by sword and cut into pieces.[72]

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